The Top 10 most influential DBSK songs of all time
By Nini @hellokpop

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DBSK, as five, boasted one of the largest and most loyal fan bases of their time. With hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide, the group garnered accolades unmatched by any other group in Kpop history. With the advent of the Internet and the budding era of social media, DBSK’s music and influence spanned the globe and touched hearts all around the world. In their heyday, DBSK was the only group in Kpop history to do what none of their predecessors could do: unify the world’s Kpop fans into one single fan base. No one truly believed that they could, that a Kpop group could do something so unbelievably substantial, but against all odds, they managed to do that and so much more. Even after the unfortunate events that occurred in 2009, DBSK, as two separate entities, has still continued to unify the fans in a myriad of ways, music being the most predominant.
In honor of the group that has so widely been hailed as the most influential Kpop band of the 2000’s, the group that has impacted the Korean music industry so succinctly and in so many ways, and in honor of their December debut anniversary, we compiled a list of the top 10 most well-known, most beloved DBSK songs released as five according to fans.

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MBC公式】東方神起 - Something27日、音楽中心)      

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12/27KBS2<喜歡電影>我是電影人朴有天專訪(中字)】年底不停拿獎,順便逆齡生長的偶吧~兩手比[耶]是最近的習慣動作嘛![偷笑] 補充得獎感言~原來也曉得自己工作量不太多啊[笑cry] 橫掃各大新人獎的關鍵戲是?奉導對有天得獎的感想?誰是#海霧#劇組裡的「朴有天粉絲」?
Coffee Cojjee

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