한류관광콘서트는09년부터해외관광객유치목적으로시작된행사로서이번행사를통해2014인천아시아경기대회D-1년홍보를병행하고있습니다. Incheon Korean Music Wave has been held to attract foreign tourists since 2009. Through this year's event, we have promoted Asian Games Incheon 2014 one year before its opening.
우리시에서JYJ출연에대해관련기관과협의하였으나민간차원의이해상충으로조정하기가어려움이있다는말씀을드리며JYJ가이번행사에출연하기는어렵지만,향후AG조직위주관의행사와해외홍보에JYJ를적극참여토록할예정입니다. Our city has discussed with the related agency about JYJ's appearance on the event. Unfortunately JYJ couldn't join this time due to conflict of interest between entertainment management companies. We plan to have JYJ included in the future events hosted by the 2014 Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee and its overseas promotions.