Official & Exclusive K-Pop Artists & Contents Here, No.1 K-POP Channel Worldwide, LOEN MUSIC (로엔뮤직)!
World premiered comeback stage of K-POP artists, ‘SHOWCASE’, only on LOEN MUSIC! Which artist’s SHOWCASE was the best for you in 2013? Please check the playlist and leave your opinion below! We’ve got a signed CD to give away!
세계최초공개! 오직로엔뮤직에서만만날수있는 K-POP스타의컴백무대, ‘SHOWCASE’! 2013년, 여러분의마음을움직인최고의 ‘SHOWCASE’는어떤아티스트의무대였나요? 지금댓글로알려주세요. 오직 1분에게만제공될싸인CD가기다리고있어요!
모든 ‘SHOWCASE’ 영상보러가기!
Watch all the ‘SHOWCASE’ clips!