<디셈버> 마지막공연커튼콜이벤트진행!
내일저녁 8시 <디셈버> 마지막공연후커튼콜에전배우가함께등장해관객여러분에게감사인사를전할예정입니다. 약한달반동안함께울고웃어주신관객분들께진심으로감사드립니다^^
내일서울공연의마지막까지함께해주시길바라며, 2월 7일부터시작하는부산-대구지방공연에서 "우리또봐요!"
<December> Last Show Curtain Call Event!
Tomorrow during curtain call after the last performance at 8pm, all actors will deliver a thank-you greeting to the audience.
To all audience who have laughed and cried with us during this past month and a half, we sincerely thank you.
Tomorrow is the last ‘December’ show in Seoul. Performances in Busan and Daegu will be starting on February 7, “see you again!”
翻譯: JYJ3