behind story in toscana
잘주무셨나요? 여러분?
토스카나오픈식이후첫날인데요! 오늘제주도의날씨는앞으로토스카나호텔의길을축복하듯청명한날씨랍니다. 이제이따금씩오픈식에찍힌사진들이올라올텐데요~ 많은기대부탁드려요
Did all of you sleep well?
After Toscana opening ceremony day, the weather in Jeju island in front of Toscana is serene as if it's a blessing for the future of Toscana Hotel. We will upload more pictures of opening in a while, please expect more pictures.
behind story in Toscana
어떤말이더필요할까요? 사진이모든것을말해줍니다.
What do we need to say more ? The picture says it all .
toscana is large as you love!