Yahoo!奇摩電影: 韓國偶像男團JYJ朴有天領銜主演代表韓國爭奧斯卡小金人
HAEMOO, the story based on a true incident of 25 Korean-Chinese illegal immigrants who suffocated to death in the storage tank of a fishing vessel near Yeosu on October 7, 2001. Their bodies were dumped into the sea by the ship's crew. In cinemas now! Book your tickets here:
"寫人性,韓國人最入骨,這回還自我檢視韓國夢碎。此片代表南韓出戰奧斯卡,名正言順,理所當然。 - ★★★★楊麗玲, I weekly.
★★★½ - Whang Yee-Ling, 8 Days
F: Clover Films