어제김재중이인도네시아에서팬미팅을가졌습니다. 몸이좋아노래나토크를없어미안한마음을자필편지를통해전했습니다.^^ 여러분들도김재중이빨리건강을찾을있도록응원해주세요!
Yesterday Jaejoong had a fan meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia. But he couldn’t talk and sing because of his health condition. Instead of games in the fan meeting, he wrote a letter in his own handwriting. In the letter he said “I am sorry. Even though I can’t talk and sing, I think I have to come to see you guys to make memories together. This moment I feel like I’m the happiest man in the world. Thank you.”
F: JYJ Official
apology letter 2    


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