[JYJ의아주특별한매거진 THE JYJ]
1000일의기록과인터뷰를담은신개념매거진! 1월한국어, 일본어로동시발매됩니다. 곧! 자세한내용이공개되니많은기대부탁드려요~!
Good news! "JYJ special magazine THE JYJ" will be released in January. You can see 1000 days of JYJ and interviews in that magazine! It will be published in Korean and Japanese. More information will come out soon!! Check the teaser video!
F: JYJ Official
[JYJ官方FB更新] Cjes store有好消息喔! [JYJ的 很特別的雜誌 THE JYJ] 收錄了1000日的紀錄跟訪談的 新概念雜誌! 1月以韓文,日文同時發行. 既將! 公開詳細的內容 請大家多多期待~!.(翻譯:JYJFCTW)
Angel JYJ ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ♥ [jyjnormally]